This Privacy Policy will come into effect when the persons (Users) who will access the "Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists Association" Mobile Application of the Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists Association install the Mobile Application on their devices. This Privacy Policy provides information about the users in order to benefit from the services within the scope of the Mobile Application of the Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists Association; It includes provisions regarding collection, use and processing. The Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists Association may unilaterally change the provisions of this Privacy Policy at any time by publishing it on its Mobile Application. The provisions of the Privacy Policy amended by the Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists Association enter into force on the date of publication on this Mobile Application.


This permission is used for device information access, which is used for user control while the application is running. Device information is used and stored in the application's database in order to determine which user is logging in from which device and to ensure that the session remains open without asking for a password again in the next mobile application logins.


These are the permissions that must be approved by the user in order for the features of the application to work in harmony with the device and are obtained without approval.


This permission includes the application-directed use of the camera on the User's device. During use, the application is directed in line with the user decisions. In order to perform the transaction with the QR code bracelet belonging to the student, the application's camera is accessed and the transaction is performed.


This permission is used to access the services on the central server of the institution during the operation of the application. The internet connection to be used during this access is the responsibility of the user.


This permission allows the icons used in the application and the database of the application to be stored in the device's memory.


Unauthorized use, reproduction, copying, storage of the "Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists Association" Mobile Application (including design, text, image and other codes) of the Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists Association and all other illegal situations lead to the legal responsibility of the User. . By accepting this Privacy Policy, users can access the "Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists' Association", which belongs to the Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists' Association. They accept, declare and undertake that they will act in accordance with the rules regarding the use of the Application. In the event that the Users violate the provision of this article, the Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists Association may request the correction of this situation from the User, or, if it wishes, may cancel the User's membership temporarily or permanently without prior notice to the User and take legal action.


The Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists Association cares about personal information and data security and takes care to take all necessary precautions in this regard.

The information obtained within the scope of the application can only be used within the scope of various statistical evaluations by the Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists Association without revealing the identity of the User in any way.